One of the most popular sitcoms was The Big Bang Theory, which first aired in 2007, ran for 12 seasons, and even had a spinoff (with another one on the way), all while getting great ratings on CBS.
The Big Bang Theory star Mayim Bialik has revealed her return hopes as a new spin-off takes shape. The actor played Amy Farrah Fowler from season 3 to the finale of Big Bang, and she reprised the role ...
Dragon Ball's Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, has a couple of iconic moves, and the Big Bang Attack, which is a big ball of ...
The Big Bang Theory has various Halloween-themed episodes such as, “The Good Guy Fluctuation”, “The Imitation Perturbation” ...
A popular song from The Big Bang Theory was the subject of an unexpected copyright lawsuit. For all those fans of the show, ...
When The Big Bang Theory stars Jim Parsons and Kevin Sussman's awkward encounter with author Neil Gaiman in the sitcom.
Interactions between dark matter and dark photons during a "missing chapter" cosmic history could shed light on one of the ...