The fictional Moira Rose, played by Catherine O'Hara for years on the popular sitcom "Schitt's Creek," was a spoiled, eccentric, and overly dramatic character. Her namesake, the talented ...
The Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek follows the Rose family consisting of Johnny (Eugene Levy), Moira (Catherine O’Hara) and their two adult children, David (Dan Levy) and Alexis (Annie Murphy).
As an actor, Robertson has been a series regular on Schitt’s Creek, Comedy Inc., The Sean Cullen Show and Wingin’ It... Dustin Milligan’s natural talent and raw energy have secured his place ...
Delia was a creative savant wrenched from the New York world of art, shoulder pads and red lips into a life in the ghostly countryside – a prototype Moira ... and Schitt’s Creek husband ...