Carrie Bradshaw once said that “Beauty is fleeting, but a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever.” Also forever, it would seem? The interest in the “Sex and the City ...
a spinoff of “Sex and the City,” which ran on HBO from 1998 until 2004. Chang W. Lee/The New York Times The owners of 66 Perry Street hung a chain across the front stoop to deter overzealous ...
WEST VILLAGE, Manhattan (WABC) — Fans of the iconic show “Sex and the City” have led the owner of one West Village building to ask the question, can we stop fans from stepping on our stoop?
On Tuesday, New York City's Landmarks Preservation Commission approved an application for a gate in front of "Carrie's stoop" after Barbara Lorber, who has owned the building since 1978 ...
But perhaps, fans have paid it too much attention. On Tuesday, New York City's Landmarks Preservation Commission approved an application for a gate in front of "Carrie's stoop" after Barbara Lorber, ...