Mars, the enigmatic Red Planet, has long puzzled scientists with a dramatic geological contrast between its hemispheres, ...
The next logical progression to space exploration would be sending people to Mars, but there are challenges to this, such as ...
New research reveals ancient ripples on Mars, providing compelling evidence of long-lost lakes that once existed 3.7 billion ...
The European Space Agency (ESA) wants to develop key technologies for a Mars surface lander by the mid-2030s.
Data collected by NASA's InSight lander suggest that ancient internal processes are responsible for the "Martian dichotomy" ...
President Donald Trump made a bold promise to America minutes after taking the Oath of Office: pledging that an American flag ...
The president’s Inaugural Address linked landing on the Red Planet with Manifest Destiny, but left many of the specifics ...
In his prepared remarks, Trump, a longtime backer of U.S.-led space exploration and exploitation, singled out Mars and left ...
Mars, brings significant changes and challenges. Embracing discipline, courage, and acceptance while practicing mindfulness ...
Skywatchers: A six-planet alignment peaks this week as Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus, and Saturn come together for ...
President Trump vowed to send American astronauts to the planet Mars in his inaugural address, envisioning a moment when the ...
NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.