A 37-year-old Viennese man, who had been obtaining files containing child abuse material from the internet, including the ...
The Lower Austrian state government has approved a job foundation after the bankruptcy of Kika/Leiner. With a budget of three million euros, up to 300 people can be supported. Details of the ...
Hietzing, the police have now ruled out foul play. The investigations of the Vienna State Criminal Police Office are ongoing, it was announced in response to a request from the APA.
The inflation rate in Austria has noticeably slowed down in the last year, despite significant price fluctuations in individual products, according to a study by Geizhals.at, which compared the ...
In 2024, the average collective contractual gross minimum wages, according to the wage rate index 16 (TLI 16) by Statistics Austria, increased by 8.5 percent compared to 2023, thus exceeding the ...
A study by Geosphere Austria shows that the groundwater in Vienna is getting warmer due to climate change and increasing sealing. Between 2001-2010, the temperature rose by 0.9 degrees, and between ...
Not only the winter sports traffic, but also the holiday fair and the "Vienna Drive" in Vienna, the "HausBau" fair in Tulln and "Holiday on Ice" in the Wiener Stadthalle will cause some traffic delays ...
In Vienna, the 200th birthday of Johann Strauss is being celebrated this year with many events. The most original location is probably the play "Times Waltz": With the Ferris wheel, you can "dance" ...
In Wien-Landstraße hat es am Dienstag einen Unfall mit einem Pkw und einem Fußgänger (76) auf einem Zebrastreifen gegeben.
Bei einem Unfall mit einer Straßenbahn in Wien ist am Mittwoch ein 47-jähriger Läufer verletzt worden. Ort des Geschehens war ...
In Vienna-Landstraße, there was an accident involving a car and a pedestrian (76) on a zebra crossing on Tuesday. The ...
Die ÖVP hat "befremdet" auf die Äußerungen der FPÖ-Abgeordneten Stefan und Tschank über die Volkspartei und die EU reagiert, ...