They swarm most prominently in summer and fall. Paper wasps are primarily brown with yellow markings. They have a narrow ...
Occurred on July 25, 2018 / Dohr, Germany Info from Licensor: "Watching activity at paper wasp nest. I am Lothar Lenz, a nature photographer with heart and soul, and I am lucky enough to live in a ...
Wasp Nests Now is a good time to take a close look for wasp nests around your home. They are getting large enough to be noticed but have not reached their peak size yet. Wasps can nest in a ...
THE communities of the paper wasp, like those of other social inseets of the family, consist of three kinds of individuals—males, females and workers. The colonies only exist for a single season ...
To uncover the genetic basis of wasp face recognition, researchers analyzed gene expression in the brains of paper-wasp species that had been trained to recognize faces and compared that with wasps ...
One study recorded wasps visiting and pollinating over 600 species of different fauna. Another has shown that in the absence of bumblebees as pollinators, the introduction of Paper Wasps can ...