Haven’t watched yet? Sashay… away. Daya Betty might want to go out and buy herself a few lottery tickets right about now. Friday’s episode of Drag Race ended with eliminated queen Arrietty ...
In the end, Kori King lived to slay another day, while Joella was told to “sashay away.” This week, the 12 remaining queens will get a chance to show off their comedic sensibilities in a send ...
Following the lipsync, each eliminated queen has a chance to receive immunity and save themselves from having to sashay away. Queens will choose from 10 levers and if they pick one of the two ...
Following the lipsync, each eliminated queen has a chance to receive immunity and save themselves from having to sashay away. Queens will choose from 10 levers and if they pick one of the two ...
After no one was eliminated either week of the two-part premiere, Mama Ru finally told a drag queen to "sashay away." In a Monopoly-themed design challenge (which only sort of made sense), the 14 ...
Following the lipsync, each eliminated queen has a chance to receive immunity and save themselves from having to sashay away. Queens will choose from 10 levers and if they pick one of the two ...
And apparently in the case of the Trumps, they’re laying seeming golden eggs in the form of crypto meme coins before the couple officially return to the White House on Monday. On Sunday ...