The 153-year-old California Historical Society is winding down operations in San Francisco and is slated to transfer its vast ...
Campus beauty and design matter. The beauty of a campus can sway students in their college choice and play a significant role in first impressions, experts say. But what makes a college ...
Elon Musk is technically a “founder” of Tesla, as per a court settlement. He deserves credit for Tesla’s succes, ...
Jan. 17—WATERTOWN — The West Main Street building that was condemned this summer leaving about 20 people without a home could be sold in the next couple of months. Fannie Mae, the federal finance ...
1970 building set to undergo makeover under plans drawn up by Danish architect 3XN British Land is due to make a decision by the end of the month on whether to open up bids on its £400m Euston Tower ...
Office of Student Affairs, Stanford University. Stanford says it provides a suite of mental health services through CAPS and other Vaden Health programs. However, were you to find yourself in need ...
Heritage award winning architects FDT have applied to the Development and Planning Commission to refurbish and extend the building which corners George’s Lane and Main Street, at the south end of town ...
In 1971, 24 young male volunteers were randomly assigned to the roles of “inmates” and “guards” in a pretend prison in the basement of Stanford University’s psychology department.
A water-main break at McMaster University’s main campus on Monday will shut off water to eight buildings as of 5 p.m. and reduce student food services.
Yolo County’s Agricultural Department is now located in Suite D, 120 W. Main. Construction of the building will give the department greater flexibility. The Ag Department abandoned Norton Hall ...
Fredericksen Realty moves to 214 Main St. In late 1975, Frank and Eleanor Petrowitz decided to retire and sold their building to Frank and Louise Fredericksen. Upon relocation, Fredericksen Realty ...