The EU issued a statement welcoming the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, which enabled the release of hostages, easing humanitarian suffering, and bringing an end to hostilities.
The Council adopted a decision authorising the coordinator of the PESCO project ‘Military Mobility’ to invite Switzerland to ...
The Leaders of the G7 fully endorse and will stand behind the ceasefire agreement reached between Israel and Hamas.
The EU has made significant advances in gender equality through legislation, empowerment initiatives, and increased ...
The Council today decided to extend by one year, until 20 January 2026, the existing restrictive measures against those who ...
As I have already indicated to you, I would like to invite you to an informal retreat that will take place on 3 February in the Château de Limont, close to Brussels, dedicated to the topic of European ...
EU ecodesign rules make products placed on the EU market more environmentally sustainable, energy-efficient, durable and circular. Since 2009, the ecodesign directive has set energy efficiency ...
Convergence criteria ensure that a member state is ready to introduce the euro without causing economic risks for the entire euro area. Find out which criteria need to be met for an EU member state to ...
The 2-year period starts from the day you receive the product, whether you take it from a store or have it delivered. Always keep your sales receipts and any delivery statements. Cash register ...
Az EU-nak a pénzmosás és a terrorizmusfinanszírozás elleni küzdelemre vonatkozó szabályai védik az Unió pénzügyi rendszerét, ...
Pravila EU o preprečevanju pranja denarja in boju proti financiranju terorizma ščitijo njen finančni sistem ter prispevajo k ...