Avengers: Doomsday, the fifth Avengers film from Marvel Studios, and the first of a two-part arc culminating in Secret Wars, ...
Remember that scene in Iron Man where Tony Stark precision-demolishes his ceiling using just his suit's targeting system?
It looks like Marvel Studios is going to pull out all the stops in the upcoming Avengers: Doomsday movie with how many ...
Man & Human Torch and Haley Quinn & Poison Ivy remain just as dynamic as DC's classic team-up between Batman and Robin.
Tony Star isn't the only Iron Man in New York, with MIkal Bridges making a convincing case for himself after impressive ...
Nearly two decades after Faran Tahir terrorized Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in 2008’s Iron Man as Raza, leader of the ...
Finally, @WayneWaldropW had this amusing comment about if Gwyneth Paltrow ends up appearing in Avengers: Doomsday: ...