Inspired by the life of Marcel Marceau, this biopic follows a mime who joins the French resistance to help save thousands of orphans during WWII. Watch trailers & learn more.
He's just a stoner going nowhere, or so he thinks. When the CIA tries to eliminate him, his long-dormant superspy training comes roaring back. Watch trailers & learn more.
Rolling Stone reporter David Lipsky shadows famed writer David Foster Wallace in this fictionalized account of their revealing five-day encounter. Watch trailers & learn more.
In the 1930s, a young New Yorker moves to Hollywood, where he falls head over heels for the radiant secretary of his hot-shot uncle. Watch trailers & learn more.
Inspirada na vida de Marcel Marceau, esta cinebiografia acompanha um mímico que se junta à resistência francesa para salvar milhares de órfãos durante a Segunda Guerra. Watch trailers & learn more.